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San Francisco Issues New Guidance Regarding Paid Sick Leave and COVID-19


The San Francisco Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE) issued updated guidance on February 22, 2022, regarding the city's Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (PSL) specifically related to COVID-19 reasons. Click here for article.

  • Applicability: The guidance applies to all employers with employees working in San Francisco, regardless of the number of hours worked or the employer's location. It went into effect immediately and remains in effect during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

  • Verification of PSL: Employers cannot ask for documentation substantiating the need for PSL for up to five consecutive days for COVID-19 reasons, unless there is a pattern or clear instance of abuse. Employees' attestation of their need for PSL based on CDC guidelines is sufficient.

  • COVID-19 Reasons for PSL Use: Covered employees can use accrued PSL for various COVID-19 related reasons, including isolation or quarantine, vaccination appointments, caring for a family member, or when a business temporarily ceases operations due to public health recommendations.

  • Eligibility for PSL: Accrued and unused PSL is available only to employees, not to laid-off workers (unless rehired within a year) or those with reduced hours. Employees cannot use PSL to make up for reduced or eliminated hours.

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