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California Issues Guidance for Employers on Monkeypox

Cal/OSHA recently provided guidance on monkeypox (MPX) to protect California employees, given over 4,500 cases in the state this year. The guidance applies to workplaces covered by the Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) standard and includes requirements such as implementing written programs, providing respiratory protection and PPE, and reporting exposure incidents. While the WHO and CDC declared MPX a public health emergency, there are no specific federal rules addressing MPX in the workplace. Employers not covered by the ATD standard should still take steps to protect employees under their Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP) and sanitation requirements. Click here for article.

Recommendations for Employers:

  • Develop protocols to address MPX cases in the workplace.

  • Take any reported MPX case seriously and promptly contact a workplace safety specialist.

  • Ensure compliance with ATD standard requirements for maintaining an employee's pay and rights during removal for MPX exposure.

  • Employers needing assistance with health and safety programs can contact Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services Branch or local Cal/OSHA Consultation Office.

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