Time off to Vote! Click here to access free copies of the notice!
Leave: Eligible employees must be allowed to take enough leave time to vote in a statewide election if they don't have enough time to do so outside of their work hours. They can take an amount of leave that, when added to the amount of voting time available to them outside of their work hours, is enough to allow them to vote. Unless you agree otherwise, the time must be taken at the beginning or end of the shift, whichever provides for the most time to vote and least time away from work.
Pay: Only up to two hours of voting leave must be paid, although employees are entitled to take additional unpaid time if necessary.
Employee Notice: Employees must give at least two workdays' notice if, on the third workday before election day, they know or have reason to believe that they will need leave to vote.
Employer Notice: You must post a notice about the voting leave law at least 10 days before a statewide election (by Saturday, October 26). The notice must be posted in an obvious spot in the workplace or where it can be seen by employees when they enter or leave the worksite.